If you think all moderate Dems vote the same way, think again


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Some thoughts after another LONG week:

I was able to catch the Assembly floor debate on SB 2 (Bradford), which would create a state decertification process for police officers who engage in serious abuse of civilians. California is one of only 5 states that does NOT have a decert process for law enforcement. Remember that the next time someone says California is the most evolved state in the country.

SB 2 passed 46 - 18. The debate provided a perfect view of ideological fault lines in the Democratic caucus. it's important to remember, though, moderate Dems are not a monolith. How they vote often depends on the issue. Some lawmakers are mod when it comes to CJ reform but will vote with progressives on immigration rights, for example. Research voting history before you draw conclusions on who will be an "aye" or "no" on your bill.

You can watch the SB 2 debate here at 1:33:50

One last thing: I highly recommend you subscribe to the Women Rule e-newsletter from Politico. It publishes weekly with a diverse sampling of high value content. You can subscribe here.

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What are you up to this weekend?

Any feedback on my first post?

I’ve been reflecting on this quote recently so I’ll leave you with it:

“Progress is the soul of the universe.” - Pierre de Chardin

Here's to a long weekend unmarred by fire or flood,



A lesson in greenwashing