A History of Results in the California Legislature

KBH Advocacy assists client to secure $61.4 million for Seniors and Adults with Disabilities

Read the case study

Kristina Bas Hamilton is seated at a microphone, advocating in the CA legislature

Led efforts to prevent catastrophic budget cuts and won over $1 billion in state/federal investments in In Home Supportive Services (IHSS), a state program that provides essential services to 600,000 low-income seniors and people with disabilities. (2010 through 2020)

Negotiated SB 1036, the IHSS Employer-Employee Relations Act (2012), historic legislation that transferred employer responsibility for collective bargaining from the county to the state level.

An image of a woman, sitting behind a microphone, at a large conference table that is open in the middle.

Led efforts to pass SB 855 (2014), historic legislation extending the right to overtime pay to over 400,000 IHSS workers. Secured a $300 million annual and ongoing increase in worker compensation.

Kristina Bas Hamilton stands at a microphone , behind a podium, with three others around her as she advocates in the CA legislature

Led efforts to defeat federal regulations intended to weaken home care worker unions. (2019)

Co-founded the California Aging and Disability Alliance (CADA), a state level coalition of 20 organizations working to create a new Long-Term Care social insurance program. Secured millions in state budget funding for data collection and analysis. (2018 and 2019)

Helped the California Association for Adult Day Services (CAADS) win $61.4 million in state budget funding to create the Bridge to Recovery for Adult Day Services Grant Program. Read Case Study. (2022)

picture of members of the California Domestic Workers Coalition lobbying in the halls of the California Capitol

Helped the California Domestic Workers Coalition win $35 million in state budget funding and removing the sunset date for the Domestic Worker Outreach and Education program. (2023)

AN image of Richard's face

“On behalf of Public Justice, one of SB 1149's two sponsors, we retained Kristina Bas Hamilton. Never having done this before, I was astounded about how much a highly professional lobbyist consultant could do! She was fantastic, winding up leading a team of about 12 of us in an exceptionally professional and valuable manner.

I would hire her again without question.”

Richard Zitrin, Legal Ethics expert and Lecturer Emeritus, UC Hastings Law

Win legislation and budget funding with expert guidance from KBH Advocacy, Sacramento-based contract lobbying and political consulting firm