How to build political power at the local level

Last week I had the pleasure of hosting “All Politics is Local”: How young people can build political power - a webinar with special guest California Assemblymember Tasha Boerner Horvath (D-76), representing north San Diego County.

The Assemblymember is the Chair of the Select Committee on Sea Level Rise and the California Economy as well as a member of the Speaker’s Leadership team. She was first elected in 2018, the Year of the Woman, and is a champion on climate and sustainability. She generously shared her time with advocates on the webinar.

Some of the highlights from our conversation:

Ask yourself, what is the outcome I want to achieve? (at 2:18)

Effective advocacy is rarely one-dimensional (at 9:09)

Don’t send form letters (at 10:06)

Do your research beforehand (at 16:04)

Fight for the future you want (at 19:43)

My turn being interviewed, this time on the podcast Sactown Talks with Jarhett Blonien. My first time as a podcast guest by the way!

I wax philosophical on:

What grassroots lobbyists can learn from Labor in California (8:00)

How organizations without PAC $ can mobilize to build power (9:45)

What lobbying looks like during COVID (12:48)

How organizations benefit when they have help navigating the legislative process (22:11)

Watch our discussion here.

Listening to California politics podcasts has been one of my secret lobbying tools for some time. If you have patience, I promise you will catch valuable nuggets of information.

Add these to your playlist:

Sactown Talks

Capitol Weekly

Then there’s California

Look West

Political Breakdown

Which podcasts am I missing? Add your recommendations below!

Keep on keepin’ on,



There are $20.6 billion reasons why advocates should work the California budget process


Sending a new generation of community champions to the California Legislature